例子二:聖誕前爺爺過境,與我們歡度了一日一晚。當從吃晚飯的地方北上 Stanley Park,確實會經過我們在溫哥華的家附近的街道,不過並非直接經過我們家門。可是阿比竟然察覺到車子並沒有像平時回家那樣在某個燈位左轉,便說:咦,我地唔係返屋企呀?令我們倆更驚訝的是那時已經天黑,並不像白天如此容易看得清楚路牌!
我與老公在戲言,如此地圖王他日應該勝任做的士司機,包保唔會迷路或兜遠路!不過我覺得還有一個職業很適合她 -- 導遊是也!除了她認路一絕之外,她的親善小姐的性格應該可以令團友有賓至如歸的感覺。此外,在旅遊巴上,她還可以盡情表現她的歌喉娛賓,更切合她那表現慾強的性格呢!!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
阿比出品 (二)
監製:國暉 + iPhone
這可是阿比第一次錄製的歌呢!當晚,我們大人在吃飯,阿比則利用國暉哥哥的 iPhone 去錄自己唱的歌。其實她還錄了 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star、Do Re Mi、Happy Birthday 等名曲,但令我們最驚喜的是這首全新作品 -- 我們非常欣賞經 iPhone processed 後的 electrical 感覺,好有 Lady Gaga feel。
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Christmas Letter from the Chengs (鄭氏一家聖誕新年文告 2010)
Dear great friends of ours,
Wishing you a merry Christmas! This Christmas is special to us, as this will be our last Christmas here in Vancouver! As we have started going to an English-speaking church since July, through attending church and knowing people there, we got to know a lot more about Advent and Christmas, both in the biblical context and in the North American cultural context! We truly treasure these cultural exchanges which broadened our scope of the world and towards God.
Philip has been working really hard on his study this past Fall term. He finished two audio courses on time, which he at some point felt unable to finish but God seemed to help put the puzzle pieces together for him to finish. He also successfully wrote the 6000-word assignment focusing on children's curriculum for Christian education. This experience gave him much inspiration and confidence in moving towards writing the 10000-word final paper in this Winter term. Please continue to pray for him as he finishes up this big project before he graduates in April.
Connie has been enjoying her mothering role at home with the two lovely girls. Her days have been busy, taking Abby to and from her preschool in the morning, taking Abby to attend some after-school activities in different community centers. Her efforts got paid off when Abby and Elly love and enjoy what they are doing. Connie also gets refreshed during Sunday church services, as Elly started to adjust to the nursery provided by church volunteers. Connie can now sit through and listen to the sermons without having to go into the nursery to check in with the crying Elly! She cannot thank God enough for being able to become close to God in His words.
Abby has been progressing A LOT in her speech and learning at preschool. She can express herself in quite long sentences now, and can even talk in broken or whole English sentences. Her daily comprehension of English seems to have become quite enough for her, while she still loses attention during storytimes which require higher level of English comprehension. She has started learning letters with their phonetic sounds, and has been practising them with words that she sees in the street or in books. We are so proud of her. We also love to see her enjoying her drama, ballet and music courses and continue to excel in her own unique ways!
We have been amazed constantly by Elly's fast ability to learn and absorb new skills by observing and imitating others. She is always alert towards the happenings around her and she can pick up and absorb new information real quick. Her cheerful disposition has always been a heart-warmer to us and all those who know her. Abby and Elly have continued to grow close to each other's hearts, enjoying playing with each other and of course, like all siblings do, fighting with each other over toys and mommy's attention. It is always very moving to see Elly following her big sister everywhere, while Abby protecting and standing up for her little sister when she gets hurt.
We have booked our return airtickets!!! We shall be leaving Vancouver on May 5, 2011, while arriving in Hong Kong on the next day. We just cannot wait to see our beloved friends and family, and back to our usual lifestyles in Hong Kong. However, we shall never forget these three magical years that God led us to Vancouver -- we have learned and gained a lot intellectually and spiritually; we enjoyed the weather here and the child-friendly lifestyle especially for Abby and Elly; we also treasured the friendship that we made and it will be each one of you who will make us miss Vancouver!
Warmly with love,
Philip, Connie, Abby and Elly
Wishing you a merry Christmas! This Christmas is special to us, as this will be our last Christmas here in Vancouver! As we have started going to an English-speaking church since July, through attending church and knowing people there, we got to know a lot more about Advent and Christmas, both in the biblical context and in the North American cultural context! We truly treasure these cultural exchanges which broadened our scope of the world and towards God.
Philip has been working really hard on his study this past Fall term. He finished two audio courses on time, which he at some point felt unable to finish but God seemed to help put the puzzle pieces together for him to finish. He also successfully wrote the 6000-word assignment focusing on children's curriculum for Christian education. This experience gave him much inspiration and confidence in moving towards writing the 10000-word final paper in this Winter term. Please continue to pray for him as he finishes up this big project before he graduates in April.
Connie has been enjoying her mothering role at home with the two lovely girls. Her days have been busy, taking Abby to and from her preschool in the morning, taking Abby to attend some after-school activities in different community centers. Her efforts got paid off when Abby and Elly love and enjoy what they are doing. Connie also gets refreshed during Sunday church services, as Elly started to adjust to the nursery provided by church volunteers. Connie can now sit through and listen to the sermons without having to go into the nursery to check in with the crying Elly! She cannot thank God enough for being able to become close to God in His words.
Abby has been progressing A LOT in her speech and learning at preschool. She can express herself in quite long sentences now, and can even talk in broken or whole English sentences. Her daily comprehension of English seems to have become quite enough for her, while she still loses attention during storytimes which require higher level of English comprehension. She has started learning letters with their phonetic sounds, and has been practising them with words that she sees in the street or in books. We are so proud of her. We also love to see her enjoying her drama, ballet and music courses and continue to excel in her own unique ways!
We have been amazed constantly by Elly's fast ability to learn and absorb new skills by observing and imitating others. She is always alert towards the happenings around her and she can pick up and absorb new information real quick. Her cheerful disposition has always been a heart-warmer to us and all those who know her. Abby and Elly have continued to grow close to each other's hearts, enjoying playing with each other and of course, like all siblings do, fighting with each other over toys and mommy's attention. It is always very moving to see Elly following her big sister everywhere, while Abby protecting and standing up for her little sister when she gets hurt.
We have booked our return airtickets!!! We shall be leaving Vancouver on May 5, 2011, while arriving in Hong Kong on the next day. We just cannot wait to see our beloved friends and family, and back to our usual lifestyles in Hong Kong. However, we shall never forget these three magical years that God led us to Vancouver -- we have learned and gained a lot intellectually and spiritually; we enjoyed the weather here and the child-friendly lifestyle especially for Abby and Elly; we also treasured the friendship that we made and it will be each one of you who will make us miss Vancouver!
Warmly with love,
Philip, Connie, Abby and Elly
Monday, December 20, 2010
爸:你雖然宜家見唔到 Jesus,但佢一直都喺道,仲會為你祈禱架!
比:中文 (定) 英文架?
爸媽:哈哈哈哈... (真好笑,阿比又會有這個言語的疑問嘅?好獨到,也很佩服她的聯想力!)
比:(自問自答) 梗係中文喇!Jesus 好叻,中文英文都識架!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 一日,阿比從主日學帶回來一個紙造的天使。我見這是 Advent/Christmas 時節,順理成章地覺得老師是在說天使加百列向耶穌母親馬利亞顯現的故事...
媽:Angel 同馬利亞講佢有 BB 係肚肚呀?
比:(一臉惘然,還有一絲狐疑) .....
媽媽立即找出主日學每星期給家長 follow-up 的紙,原來... 是天使加百列在約瑟的夢中顯現...
媽:Angel 同 Joseph 講,馬利亞會有 BB,,要叫佢做耶穌?
爸:你雖然宜家見唔到 Jesus,但佢一直都喺道,仲會為你祈禱架!
比:中文 (定) 英文架?
爸媽:哈哈哈哈... (真好笑,阿比又會有這個言語的疑問嘅?好獨到,也很佩服她的聯想力!)
比:(自問自答) 梗係中文喇!Jesus 好叻,中文英文都識架!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 一日,阿比從主日學帶回來一個紙造的天使。我見這是 Advent/Christmas 時節,順理成章地覺得老師是在說天使加百列向耶穌母親馬利亞顯現的故事...
媽:Angel 同馬利亞講佢有 BB 係肚肚呀?
比:(一臉惘然,還有一絲狐疑) .....
媽媽立即找出主日學每星期給家長 follow-up 的紙,原來... 是天使加百列在約瑟的夢中顯現...
媽:Angel 同 Joseph 講,馬利亞會有 BB,,要叫佢做耶穌?
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
今天經過一家教小朋友畫畫的店舖,看見他們有一些兒童班,原來 3-6 歲也可以參加 Self portrait 自畫像的班。我在想,阿比上這些班的話,會畫出怎麼樣的自畫像呢?事緣是到了差不多 5 歲,阿比所畫的人都是像一粒粒雞泡魚般。就像上圖是一星期前的畫,最大的那粒是我,最健全的 (有眼珠的),看得出她很尊重我很重視我,只是不明白我為何是流著眼淚的 (做媽媽是如此的辛苦嗎?)!中間的兩粒是她與妹妹,她的那粒比妹妹的那粒大一點,爸爸距離我們遠一點,幸好比起小朋友們的體積大 -- 卻不夠媽媽大,在阿比心目中,媽媽比較親密,這也沒辦法,我這兩年多都是在家全時間照顧她們呢!
雖然她到現在也不能畫得好「人樣」,但看到她畫自己的 size 是小朋友應有的 size (假若是有 attachment issue 的孩子,畫自己會畫得超大,因為除了自己之外,任何人都信不過),心裡也很安慰。感謝主!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
阿比童話集 (廿一) + 艾莉 QT 實錄 (四)
比:媽咪爸 B 會快快食飯跟住返來接阿比呀?
媽:係呀!(我仲以為佢唔捨得我地,所以想我地快 D 食,快 D 返來)
比:(想了一會) 唔駛急,慢慢食,唔好哽親呀!
我聽到當然很窩心,但轉念一想,就知道她是希望可以跟朋友仔多玩一點,所以叫我們慢慢食... 這個亳不浪漫的媽媽當面拆穿了她... 嘻嘻... 她也直認不諱!
在飯局中與教會的一位姊妹聊起,原來她是阿比的主日學老師之一。她說阿比給她很深的印象,因為她會在 storytime 時 (可能是之前或之後),指著大書書認字,有一次她指著 God 字說:ga-ga-ga- GOD d-d-d! -- 無錯,她最近 obsessed with 英文拼音,有幾次甚至企圖想拼中文字呢!哈哈哈哈!
說起拼音,今晚阿比竟然拼了她好同學的名字 "Cole" (又或者她記性好記得怎樣串吧!),但我們非常 impressed 及驚訝!她也真的有異性緣,繼去年有 Joshua 及 Aidan 之後,今年又最喜歡跟 Cole 玩 (這次是一個金髮的 ^_^)。前天在學校門前,見到同學仔 Marklin,他一見到阿比立即上前攬著阿比,可惜阿比弱不禁風,被他大熊抱之下怎能站得穩?兩人就一起跌在落雨濕濕的行人路上!起來後 Marklin 還想再多攬一次,只見阿比耍著手說不要了...
爸:爸 B 中文名係乜呀?
比:鄭... 爸 B...
比:屈... Connie...
糟糕!這樣考學校應該不合格!可能要為她選擇英語對答 -- 她很清楚我們的英文全名呢!
有一天早上,給了她一片 carrot cake 做早餐。她對著片蛋糕,拍著手呢呢喃喃起來。以媽媽的直覺與天馬行空的幻想力,我覺得她是在唱生日歌。我哼起了 "Happy Birthday",家姐也跟著唱,果然艾莉是在唱生日歌 -- 她很興奮的與我們繼續呢喃...
昨早,我與屋主太太聊起想做一個 "Happy Birthday to Jesus" 的蛋糕慶祝聖誕。艾莉一聽到 "Happy Birthday",又立即要求要「食」-- 蛋糕是也!
原來 happy birthday = 蛋糕 ...
前晚,她因為我們晚飯時放下她給屋主太太照顧,而需要我給她更多的 reassurance 及安全感,所以睡得很差,我終於索性把她放在大床,與她一起睡。她見到我除了眼鏡,很開心很安樂地指著自己的眼睛,說:冇 ...
有好幾次半夜起來,艾莉自己爬下床 (她的小床貼著大床,所以沒有裝圍欄),逕自走出房間。有一晚我忽然在夢中聽到她在書房大哭,走過去看,見到她坐在我平時上網用的椅子上,對著電腦大哭,真不知好嬲定好笑。老公笑說阿妹一定是以為電腦把媽媽吸走了,所以對著個電腦 monitor 在哭,希望可以叫媽媽回來!哈哈!爸爸你的聯想力也太豐富了吧!
昨晚半夜醒來,驚見艾莉又從房外走進來。我問她:爸 B 呢?(他還在書房) -- 艾莉指一指書房的方向;今早醒來問爸 B,原來他在書房睡著了,一點也不察覺艾莉半夜走進來。相信一定是艾莉走到書房,見爸爸沒有理會她,唯有走回睡房再睡... 哈哈,真可愛!
比:媽咪爸 B 會快快食飯跟住返來接阿比呀?
媽:係呀!(我仲以為佢唔捨得我地,所以想我地快 D 食,快 D 返來)
比:(想了一會) 唔駛急,慢慢食,唔好哽親呀!
我聽到當然很窩心,但轉念一想,就知道她是希望可以跟朋友仔多玩一點,所以叫我們慢慢食... 這個亳不浪漫的媽媽當面拆穿了她... 嘻嘻... 她也直認不諱!
在飯局中與教會的一位姊妹聊起,原來她是阿比的主日學老師之一。她說阿比給她很深的印象,因為她會在 storytime 時 (可能是之前或之後),指著大書書認字,有一次她指著 God 字說:ga-ga-ga- GOD d-d-d! -- 無錯,她最近 obsessed with 英文拼音,有幾次甚至企圖想拼中文字呢!哈哈哈哈!
說起拼音,今晚阿比竟然拼了她好同學的名字 "Cole" (又或者她記性好記得怎樣串吧!),但我們非常 impressed 及驚訝!她也真的有異性緣,繼去年有 Joshua 及 Aidan 之後,今年又最喜歡跟 Cole 玩 (這次是一個金髮的 ^_^)。前天在學校門前,見到同學仔 Marklin,他一見到阿比立即上前攬著阿比,可惜阿比弱不禁風,被他大熊抱之下怎能站得穩?兩人就一起跌在落雨濕濕的行人路上!起來後 Marklin 還想再多攬一次,只見阿比耍著手說不要了...
爸:爸 B 中文名係乜呀?
比:鄭... 爸 B...
比:屈... Connie...
糟糕!這樣考學校應該不合格!可能要為她選擇英語對答 -- 她很清楚我們的英文全名呢!
有一天早上,給了她一片 carrot cake 做早餐。她對著片蛋糕,拍著手呢呢喃喃起來。以媽媽的直覺與天馬行空的幻想力,我覺得她是在唱生日歌。我哼起了 "Happy Birthday",家姐也跟著唱,果然艾莉是在唱生日歌 -- 她很興奮的與我們繼續呢喃...
昨早,我與屋主太太聊起想做一個 "Happy Birthday to Jesus" 的蛋糕慶祝聖誕。艾莉一聽到 "Happy Birthday",又立即要求要「食」-- 蛋糕是也!
原來 happy birthday = 蛋糕 ...
前晚,她因為我們晚飯時放下她給屋主太太照顧,而需要我給她更多的 reassurance 及安全感,所以睡得很差,我終於索性把她放在大床,與她一起睡。她見到我除了眼鏡,很開心很安樂地指著自己的眼睛,說:冇 ...
有好幾次半夜起來,艾莉自己爬下床 (她的小床貼著大床,所以沒有裝圍欄),逕自走出房間。有一晚我忽然在夢中聽到她在書房大哭,走過去看,見到她坐在我平時上網用的椅子上,對著電腦大哭,真不知好嬲定好笑。老公笑說阿妹一定是以為電腦把媽媽吸走了,所以對著個電腦 monitor 在哭,希望可以叫媽媽回來!哈哈!爸爸你的聯想力也太豐富了吧!
昨晚半夜醒來,驚見艾莉又從房外走進來。我問她:爸 B 呢?(他還在書房) -- 艾莉指一指書房的方向;今早醒來問爸 B,原來他在書房睡著了,一點也不察覺艾莉半夜走進來。相信一定是艾莉走到書房,見爸爸沒有理會她,唯有走回睡房再睡... 哈哈,真可愛!
Monday, December 06, 2010
妹妹 16 個月之時
- 不知何解,一點都不喜歡吃蛋,有時放了一些在她的碗中,她會逐片逐片撿出來。(媽媽可是最喜歡吃蛋呢!) 她覺得她也很愛恨分明呢!就像今午的麻醬麵,不喜歡就是不喜歡,通通都把它檢出來或者... 餵我吃...
- 現在用手吃飯已經很純熟,不再像以前那麼天一半地一半;唯現在差不多吃飽時會開始把食物掟出來,要及時喝止!最近又試給她用匙羹,想不到她也可以慢慢地掌握那技巧!
- 很喜歡模仿別人,例如今早電視有人示範做運動,她又一路跟住動作做,最好笑的是她想模仿我伸兩隻手指公讚她叻叻,但只懂得伸了兩隻食指來手指指,好可愛。
- 最喜歡跟隨家姐,家姐做乜她又跟住做,好可愛!
- 出了第一隻臼齒,右上那隻。
- 可以按我們的簡單指示去完成,例如把 xx 拿給媽咪。她對其他人的談話很 alert,有時大人正在自己談話時,她也聽在心中,並有所反應,好像今晚我與婆婆在 Skype 時,我告訴婆婆艾莉臭臭了,她便走到我的袋子旁,把內裡的換片物品拿出來給我!
- 繼差不多每晚吃完奶奶後都會提我要幫她刷牙之外,她有一次吃飯之前,我幫她帶好圍裙兜,放好碗碗後,她竟然做出抹手手的動作,提醒我!看來她是一個按部就班、依足程序做事的女孩子呢!
- 現在只剩下晚上臨睡前才餵她人奶,但每次差不多時間進房,便像有一個生理時鐘催逼她要吃媽媽奶,很心急很 desperate 的要推枕頭,爬上大床,又要我立即餵她。對著一個如此熱愛媽媽奶的小孩子,究竟我何時才可以替她戒奶呢?幸好,我並不 desperate 一定要戒到奶...
- 最近常常在咦咦哦哦的說著 BB 話,可能她又是一個說個不停的小女孩呢!現在想要多一點就說:bore (=more);碗裡沒有食物就說:bou (=無);ai-ai (=鞋);jor (=坐);bo (=抱);but-but (=襪襪);別人在說話時,她又很喜歡重覆最後一個音;有時又會似是而非的發出一些音節,例如 tissue、走咗...
- 越來越覺得艾莉可能是一個左撇子,因為她用左手較多。很多人都叫我儘量幫她改,好叫她以後生活可以方便一點。但有一次與阿比討論妹妹常用左手時,我忽然領悟,天父造右撇子,也造左撇子,祂的創造,自有衪的原因及心意,我何須急於要幫她改變呢?
阿比童話集 (二十)
媽:做乜要 stop 呀?
她施施然的指著路口的 stop sign... 暈低咗!
今早返崇拜之前又有機會與 HY 一聚...
HY: 我地一陣返禮拜堂,你呢?
比:我地去 ding dong ding dong church 囉!(即 First Baptist,因為那兒崇拜前會有鐘聲響)
比:我地識得 Jesus 架,你識唔識呀?
我已經忘記了 HY 怎樣答,我只是覺得看著這兩個小女孩在討論信仰很可愛,但願她們一生都可以走著這條蒙福的路。
比:(一臉疑惑) 吓?受傷?
媽:做乜要 stop 呀?
她施施然的指著路口的 stop sign... 暈低咗!
今早返崇拜之前又有機會與 HY 一聚...
HY: 我地一陣返禮拜堂,你呢?
比:我地去 ding dong ding dong church 囉!(即 First Baptist,因為那兒崇拜前會有鐘聲響)
比:我地識得 Jesus 架,你識唔識呀?
我已經忘記了 HY 怎樣答,我只是覺得看著這兩個小女孩在討論信仰很可愛,但願她們一生都可以走著這條蒙福的路。
比:(一臉疑惑) 吓?受傷?
Saturday, December 04, 2010
"I am the Light of the World"
在加拿大三年間,因為這裡真的有多元文化關係 (香港其實真的很 homogenious,九成都是中國人),有機會接觸不同文化的人與事,對不同文化種族的節日也多了機會去認識。好像最近從阿比學校聽到印度人的 Diwali 節 (11月頭),原來是祭祀印度藥師誕。猶太人的兩個節日,Passover 逾越節與剛剛現正舉行的 Hanukah 光明節,比較吸引我去多了解,因為與猶太裔耶穌很有關係。
我剛剛從圖書館借了兩本有關 Hanukah 的書 -- 光明節是猶太人慶祝當年抵抗外邦神明,把聖殿歸還並重新奉獻給耶和華神而設的。在慶祝光明節的七天裡,每一天都會多點起一支很大很大,很遠也可以看見的火把。老公補充告訴我,根據約翰福音所記載的背景,耶穌當年就是在光明節點起火把時,告訴人說,祂就是世界的光。
最近除了是 Hanukah 之外,還是 Advent 將臨期,正是預備聖誕節,耶穌降世為人(His first coming) 這日子的來臨。耶穌降世為人固然值得記念,但 Advent 有一個更深的意思是要預備耶穌再回來這世界 (His second coming) 的一天。這份期待,充滿著盼望/希望 Hope,因為我們將從此得贖。
送上阿比在西人教會中 Advent presentation 中的演出「劇照」,她可是很努力及七情上面的去唱歌呢!
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