Monday, April 08, 2013



事隔五年,我們又寫了一封信給他們。我們沒有死心 -- 我們自己也是闊別香港三年又重回原本的住處!況且想尋找生父生母一直是阿比的願望,她一定會支持我們寫這封信!在阿比七歲生日,我們把信寄到社署。

近三個月後,社署跟進的姑娘問我假若今次尋找的結果仍然跟上次一樣,我會希望如何處置這信。我說跟上次一樣,把信留在 file 裡面。我亦著她看看有沒有其他方法找找阿比的生父母。她透露,其實阿比的生父母當年有簽把自己的資料保密的意願表,但她仍會試試其他方法。



1 comment:

Unknown said...

Connie, I ran across this post of yours on FB, and really feel for you, so thought I would leave a comment here. I don't have a good relationship with my ex-husband, so many times over, the selfish part of me had wished that he would go away so I don't have to interact with him, but I knew Josh would be crushed, and would grow questioning how his dad could just leave him, exactly like what you said here. So over the years, for Josh, I bit my tongue and accommodate as much as it was reasonable. I can kinda relate to how you feel.

A thought did occur to me - Perhaps Abby's birth parents didn't want to connect with her not because they don't love her. Rather, maybe they love her too much to bear seeing such an amazing, wonderful little girl is not living at home with them, that they had once made the decision to give her up so that she is now someone else's daughter too.

You guys are such amazing, wonderful parents! I read your blog from time to time, and always enjoy it.
