Thursday, January 31, 2008



蒙神的恩典我們有一位 Auntie 願意借出其房子讓我們居住!生活費與學費我們仍在思考當中,現在的房子需不需要賣仍是未知之數。昨晚老公在說:如何向神求印證,察驗我們需不需要賣樓呢?我們真的需要多點向天父祈求。正如今晚老公所說:我們要虛心求問神的心意,我們人儘量去配合神的計劃,用信心踏上。這可不是 Caleb 的心志嗎?既然神為以色列人預備了迦南美地,何不用信心與當地的亞衲族人打過呢!求主堅固我們對他的信心。

早幾天我還正在思考生孩子的事,也有一點點氣餒 -- 雖然不是開始了很久,但看著往績,實在不敢抱寄望。我在想,從人的角度去計劃,在加拿大的日子正是生第二個的最好時機呢!我將會做全職媽媽,回港後孩子開始返學我又可以重回工作崗位了。但假若沒有所出,回來才領養的話,我又會有再有好幾年做 part-time 或全職在家了。想到這裡,愛控制的我是有點氣餒的。可是,轉念一想,神大可以推遲我們讀神學的計劃或安排老公留在香港讀,讓我們可以領養下一個;但事情並沒想有這樣成就。我便知道,也相信天父另有計劃,只需要信靠他的心意是美善的就行。放手、信靠,正是我們的功課。

1 comment:

Ho Keung and Yin Ping said...

How excited! Our best wishes for you & your family and that you continue to walk with God for His glory. May the time in Canada prepare you for a life-time of fruitful ministry to lead people to God and to nurture them.

We hope everything work out well for all the things you have to do before your departure as you trust in the Lord. Remember you in our prayers for His guidance. Your are going to have a busy time doing all the preparation work and saying farewell to families, relatives and friends!

We appreciate your learning of the "let go, let God" attitude which includes whether you will be able to have another child in Canada. It is not easy but the best way to live. People like to be in control but in fact no one is really in control of his/her life.

Wish we will be able to visit you in Canada before your three years is up.