為何有人會覺得一個一歲的 BB 晚上九時準備上床睡覺是「咁早瞓嘅?」(我仲想佢日日都8時睡覺添!)
為何有人 (仲要係不止一個) 會見到一個明明穿粉紅色衫或衭或鞋的 BB 仲會問 「佢係男仔定係女仔呀?」(乜 Abby 真係生得咁似男仔嗎?莫非 Abby每天都要穿裙子?)
為何 BB 就算幾眼瞓,放她落床她都要大哭一輪才睡呢?
為何 Abby 特別鍾情於柱子?每次在車上或街上看到柱子,都會伸手握著。是安全感嗎?(但我被她只喜歡握著 playroom 的柱子而不肯爬行而感到氣憤及氣餒!)
為何 BB 可以一分鐘前是狂哭的小霸王,下一分鐘突然變回微笑的小天使?(幸好,她連仇也是轉頭便不記了!)
1. 因為這人用自己大人的標準去衡量BB女睡眠的時間.這當然不對啦!
2. 這人一定是對顏色不敏感,也對男女面孔上的輪廓認識不深!他或她完全無用自己的眼睛去鑒定,只用口去問就算了!懶人也!
3. 這樣子是倦的表示!她又無法用說話去表達!最佳的辦法就是哭一場,這也是加快自己累透的時間!這現象似手機快無電時,發出聲響提我們去儲回電一樣!
4. 這題您已經找到了答案.我同意您的講法!
Dear Connie, I saw sswat3 said something which triggers me to express my idea about some of your "不明白".
1. 為何有人會覺得一個一歲的 BB 晚上九時準備上床睡覺是「咁早瞓嘅?」
Some adults may not know the habit of babies, and hense will look at things from the adult's point of view. 21:00, to an adult, especially in Hong Kong, is really very early. The showing of 'surprise' should not surprise you.
2.為何有人 (仲要係不止一個) 會見到一個明明穿粉紅色衫或衭或鞋的 BB 仲會問 「佢係男仔定係女仔呀?」
I have different idea from sswat3's. I think that those people were just showing their 'uncertainty' about Abby's sex, and not certained about it, which was a good thing because it indicated that they are not 'self-centred'. They have doubt, and asked, which is good. Well, why they doubted? Honestly speaking I won't think that they have problem with relating 'pink', 'red' clothes and shoes with 'girls', and therefore the only other factor should be 'Abby's face appearance'. Have you thought of, perhaps her face really looks more like a boy than a girl? As you have said that there were not only one person who showed this uncertainty means that this may not be happening absolutely redicularly.
3. 為何 BB 就算幾眼瞓,放她落床她都要大哭一輪才睡呢?
I have one answer to this.... They don't want to be separated from the person who was just carrying them. To them it is a feeling of lost.
4. 為何 BB 可以一分鐘前是狂哭的小霸王,下一分鐘突然變回微笑的小天使?(幸好,她連仇也是轉頭便不記了!)
This one is quite simple: Babies are simple-minded. They show their feeling without pretend. They won't hide their emotion. They are definitely much much different to adults' complex mind and feeling. Babies are, what they feel is what they show, as simple as that.
BTW, sswat3, Do you notice that you 'love' exclamation marks very much?
.......Kau Foo.Sydney.......
I was just curious how much you were bothered by the first 2 questions. It reminded me about "WISE UP" :)
Some people we may want to educate, some people we may just want to ignore ...
For #2, I had come across this question (gender) with my daughter many times. Quite often, I just felt that those people who asked just had nothing to say but so wanted to start a conversation with me because I was carrying a baby!
For #3, I kinda agree with your kau foo on this. My girl is now 3 and when she is home, she is very unwilling to take a nap (cry terribly and I even need to force her to sleep)... my thought is
that I am not able to spend much time with her which I really feel sorry for. Thus, she wants to grap every single moment that could be spent with me. As long as she is awake, she can see me. Currently, I still need to help her establish a sense of security because of my previous child care arrangement.
Haha... 多謝諸君的踴躍回應!我其實post 這些出來,純粹覺得好攪笑,三唔識七及無關重要的人所說的無心之語 (特別指 #1同#2),才管他呢!
It doesn't matter whether other people understand or not... Many people don't understand why I can go to sleep before 10pm!
I am not answering your questions but just want to say that Alison sleeps before 7:30 PM. When Loretta was little, people used to think she was a boy. She had been addressed as "弟弟" even when she was wearing a dress,probably handed down from you.---Love from Kau Mou
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