Tuesday, April 17, 2007


爸爸在他的 blog 中,不斷回憶他去年與媽媽的美國旅程,讓我也湊下熱鬧吧!其實正是他的回憶之旅,提醒了我,我好友結婚快要一年了!Time flies!去年這個時候,我到了美國加州參加我多年好友的婚禮,並做了她的 matron of honor。我本來以為自己只會做一次伴娘,估不到結婚之後仲有得做。參與一個西式婚禮,雖然不是第一次,但仍然非常新鮮好玩,最難得的還是可以在好友重要時刻在她身邊見證。



Ho Keung & YinPing said...

Human beings like 回憶,that's why cameras, video cameras, photos, videos, recorded converstaion, diary, and now, the Blogs, are so popular! Actually, 回憶 is good, especially the beautiful ones. Even the bad ones are, sometimes, good too.. they might help us to be careful and to avoid the same bad situations. Do you know what I really hoping for? I hope that all those 'lost soul' who have heard the gospel but still hard-hearted will always 回憶 what they have heard, and start thinking it seriously! -------------- Kau Foo in Australia --------------

HELLO! said...

Dearest Connie, thanks for your warm wishes and the great memories from last year.

Wishing Abby good health and happiness! Take care...love looking at your pictures!!
