Sunday, August 27, 2006



教會兩星期一次的讀書小組今天由我負責帶領,是次題目是「墮胎」。Timing實在非常吻合,因書上所寫的進一步強化我們一貫的看法 -- 生命由受精的一刻開始,既然神沒有讓我們自然懷孕,我們不想不敢不配干預神創造的角色。深信神許可,我們願意去照顧一些神已經創造了而又需要家庭的孩子。當我今天與小組的成員分享時,得到的,是他們接納支持的眼神聲音,並為我們興奮及祝福。最後姊妹更提出要為我們代禱 -- 心中感恩,那份激盪心情,良久未能平復。


1 comment:

Agent S'connie said...

Yes, we are planning to create an open environment for the child to grow up and learn about his/her adoption status as normal as possible. Everyone knows and can talk about adoption freely, so that she/he would not think that this is any secret or anything to be ashamed of. As he/she grow older, we shall introduce age-appropriate concept to him/her concerning adoption, while we also expect that he/she will have different issues to tackle as he/she grows up.

I would be very happy to share with you the things that I have learned through working at Mother's Choice these past 4 years. Do keep in touch!