Saturday, August 08, 2009

It's Eliana!

沒有寫 Blog 這麼久,當然是因為小 B 出世了!


BB 出世了!竟然是女!(之前看過Connie肚的形狀的人, 99%的都猜會是仔!) Connie 和我其實都好開心是女!她名字是鄭允兒--天父應允禱告而生的女兒,英文是Eliana,是希伯來名,意思也是God answers 。




對Connie來說,休養好身體固然是重要,可是卻被各種挑戰包圍著。學習餵人奶的她由沒有奶到現在已「上奶」,但仍要承受乳頭及乳房的痛;另外生產時因用鉗子造成的 3rd degree tear 傷口;再加上身體的賀爾蒙轉變,她身心默默承受的痛畢竟不是我可以輕易明白的。我只願可以學習支持她、為她打氣。請大家亦在禱告中記念她。而我的暑期密集課還有一星期才完結,小B提早出世確實影響我原先的計劃,但沒法子了,that's life。希望可以快快的以新的讀書模式完成課程,成績未必會最理想,但我只願好好完成最後的階段。



Philip & Connie


HELLO! said...
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HELLO! said...

CONGRATS!! I'm so happy for you...I don't know what else to say except to give you a big (((((((HUG)))))))


Ho Keung and Yin Ping said...

Congratulations from our heart, Philip and Connie, for being parents to another gorgeous and beautiful daughter! Yes, children are precious, no matter boys or girls, to deliver safely ( mother and baby )and have a healthy baby are double blessings, we could really feel your joy in having Eliana, her name is very meaningful indeed.

Three hours of pushings, no wonder you two were EXHAUSTED, physically and mentally but we could say definitely not spiritually. We could picture Connie being in the actual pushing role and Philip in the supporting role, Connie experiencing the labour pain and Philip experiencing the hands being tightly squeezed with each pushing. We hope it is not a serious 3rd degree tear and that Connie will recover well, our prayers are with you. Philip is a very caring and sensitive husband indeed.

No doubt you love both of your two girls just the same. They will be best friends to each other.

( Sorry, have to go out now, talk to you later, take care! )

Love from,
Kau Foo & Kau Mo