Friday, June 12, 2009


比:(指著枕頭袋) 婆婆買,公公買 (註:婆婆公公替阿比買了新被單,九月中帶來給我們)
好錫 Abby!

比:拜拜媽咪,拜拜爸 B,爺爺嫲嫲陪 Abby 瞓覺。(突然扁咀) 掛住媽咪!

同場加映阿比今晚的新 imaginative 玩意 -- 事緣她昨晚看過老公用紫砂茶壺與日式 sake 酒杯去款待客人之後,她今晚就用她的串珠去模仿 (看右圖的陣型,真不由得不佩服她)!

1 comment:

sswat3 said...

I am glad that Abby is able to replay the scene she saw by substituting the tea cups by her toys.

I am quite sure her power of observation, imitation and memory is immense. Abby's Got Talent.