Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mommy's Babies

今天帶了阿比去聽力測試,她表現很好,沒有多大問題!感謝主!因為她有 CMV 的 history,五歲會有另一個測試。過程中測試員與她像玩遊戲一樣 demonstrate 聽到聲音後的反應,阿比看幾次試幾次便知道遊戲規則,好聰明!

這陣子又再在思考 Baby #2 的問題 -- 我問自己,假若最終我們這幾年在加拿大也沒有懷孕,經濟狀況也不會容許我們在這邊領養孩子,我回港之後還會再領養嗎?我們會不會已年紀大了點 (當然在現世代來說仍是後生的父母)?最重要的是我們還想再重新來過,由 baby時期再來過嗎?新來的孩子與阿比的 age gap 會不會太大 (6.5年或以上)?最後到了終極問題:假若天父的安排我們家庭只有阿比一個孩子,我會甘心嗎?

這一刻,我覺得,我會說我會接受這安排 ... 天父,你可以給我一點點 signs 嗎?


SYHY Mama said...

我也會問, 假如天父要我們永遠都二人世界,我會甘心嗎?

牛太太 said...

Connie, 你要為著有abby 而感恩, 而唔係問甘唔甘心呀!
btw, 如果真係領養又可以選擇的話, 我鼓勵你要new born baby. bb 由0-1歲, 差唔多每個星期既變化都唔同, 每個階段都帶比父母有無限喜悅同驚喜, 長大以後就搵唔番呢d 片段, 雖然會辛苦, 但我相信你會好enjoy 呢個過程. 而相隔5-6年都無問題, 到時abby 大, 唔會吃醋, 更可以學習照顧細佬妹, 對佢黎講都係好事黎架.

Agent S'connie said...

Mrs. Cow, I have never stopped being grateful for having Abby in our lives... I just ask "甘唔甘心" if in the end we only have one child instead of two.

Ho Keung and Yin Ping said...

We think learning to be parents is the closest to understanding God's unselfish and sacrificing love. Yet it is amazing that the more you give, the more you enjoy and find fulfilment. Even as grand-parents, sometimes we feel so touched and even overwhelmed by our grand-kids' love, trust and dependence. With Abby by your side, you would have understood fully this kind of feelings.

We would love to see you have at least one more child but also admire your submissiveness to our Heavenly Father's will. Anyway enjoy your family and your time in Canada. If you have another baby there, you have. If you don't, you don't. We think if you go back to Hong Kong with two children, you may be too busy to adopt another one. If you go back to Hong Kong with one child, you can consider whether to adopt or not.