Tuesday, October 28, 2008


還記得離開溫哥華回港之前只有一小部份的樹葉轉了顏色,一星期後回來竟然看到滿目也是變了色的樹葉,突然間提醒我們 -- 秋天已到了。天氣也確實涼了很多,日間有太陽還好,夜間可以冷至幾度。但雖然明明是幾度,感覺上卻沒有在香港幾度的那麼冷。奇怪...

原來樹葉轉色不只是由綠變黃,在這裡,有黃、有橙、有紅、有深紅,甚至橙也有不同深淺的橙,黃有不同深淺的黃... 互相映襯很美很美... 這麼美的景色可以上阿比爸爸的網站 (或他的 Facebook Album) 上找到,我在這裡只 post 那天我與阿比在沒有相機只有手機下的珍貴留影,以作記念這溫馨浪漫一刻!


SYHY Mama said...


Agent S'connie said...

The break was just over -- the same break that we came back to see you guys!!! Mid-Oct... for one week.

Don't worry, look for the cherry blossoms in April la...

Unknown said...

Can't agree more... Very nice pictures with beautiful maple leaves! Autumn is just so beautiful in Canada!!! Glad you guys are enjoying it.

Ho Keung and Yin Ping said...

We like your title for this article and hope you and your family enjoy as much as you can at this amazingly beautiful time in Vancouver.