- rocking chair
- TV + TV stand
- 2 張電腦轉轉櫈
- 三座位 IKEA 梳化
明天我們還會試試聯絡一位單人床的賣家,希望買得成吧!這樣像在 E-Bay 的購物 (其實 Craigslist 已被 E-Bay收購了),還是第一次。這些機會令我們可以遇上及認識不同的人,倒也很有趣。今天我與老公在車上討論,在香港這些網上二手傢俱市場有生存空間嗎?看來好像不太可行,因為香港的傢俱實在太便宜了,而且中國人普遍都不喜歡用別人用過的舊東西,所以通常我們在香港都會把不用的傢俱扔掉。不過在這個西人 culture 裡,我們也頗欣賞及享受當中的過程。
再者,今天到 IKEA 買了一張特價餐桌連 4 餐椅後,更加令我們喜愛這二手市場 -- 因為不用付銷售稅呢!
- 書桌
- Microwave
- 八桶櫃
- Coffee table
- Toaster
- 小焗爐
- 大床
Happy to know that you have settled well in Vancouver. Hope you continue to enjoy your second hand shopping or being given freebies. Kenny and Loretta got their stuffs mostly from E-Bay, garage sale, freebies from others or even from the streets. Loretta also got some of her clothings very cheap from 2nd hand charity shops.
It is good to recycle things, especially children's clothings. When Loretta and Tim were small, they took your and Hong Fai's clothes and shoes. Now Loretta's room in our house are filled with freebies from friends when she was pregnant. She doesn't have time to sort them all out.
yeah, u r rite! We actually did not buy a lot of Abby's clothes and toys... almost all of them were freebies from our friends.
Try to bring a couple of big boxes when you come over on Thursday. You can take the tea set and other misc things with you first...if there's still space in Drew's house.
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