Wednesday, July 02, 2008


今天帶了阿比到兒童評估中心做 assessment。我其實不喜歡去做這些評估,因為我常常覺得在如此陌生的環境,陌生的面孔當中,加上只有 only 1 chance 去表現自己,阿比的表現一定沒有平時的好。況且,阿比的發展一直都是比同齡的孩子慢,評估的結果也只是更強化這點,徒增失望與憂慮。果然,阿比不斷對醫生說:「唔要」,不太合作。

醫生的評估是阿比各項發展都是 22 個月左右,比起其實際年齡慢了 8 個月。其實自從阿比來到我們家,她的一切發展 (出牙除外) 都是比平常孩子慢 6-9 個月,所以這結果並不太意外。醫生的建議是推薦她排混合位幼稚園 (當然我們要去加拿大就不會真正去排),但這幾年社工的經驗讓我明白到,我們必須重新調教一下我們對她的期望 -- 不用去想 St. Catherine 等名校了!

問醫生阿比為何發展一直都慢,她懷疑主因是其生母不懂得照顧自己,阿比在其肚內發展不良 -- 那九個月的腦部發展是出世後怎樣也補不回 -- 我開始明白原來「先天」是如此重要。想著,也有一點點埋怨阿比的生母 -- 假若她好好的照顧自己及肚裡的阿比,阿比便不會發展遲緩了。更甚的是想起了自己的不育-- 假若可以由我來懷孕,我會懂得好好照顧自己與阿比 (當然是沒有得「假若」吧!假若我懷孕也不會是生出阿比來!) 轉念再想,當初領養時,可以選擇 BB 的父母有沒有吸毒吸煙,但不會選擇 BB 媽媽有沒有好好照顧自己及 BB。我們領養得阿比,正是要接受她就是她,她的過去影響她的未來。我們需要的,是好好調校我們對她日後的期望。

反而一眾家人都對醫生的評語都看得很開,特別是阿比婆婆,她說阿比只是慢了 8 個月,以後上學比人遲一年便沒有多大問題喇!心想倒是有道理,因為阿比一直雖然都是慢了 6-9 個月,但她的進度卻也是按著正常減 8 個月的速度發展,相信不期望她能追到同齡的孩子,卻是對比起比她小 6-9 個月的孩子便沒有問題。再看看 Abby 的古靈精怪計仔多多的樣子性格,應該不會是醫生所說 limited intelligence 吧!

對阿比將來入宣小的信心又重新點起 ... ^_^ 還是把她的一切成長交給天父吧!


SYHY Mama said...


Ho Keung and Yin Ping said...

Thank you for your sharings. It is natural for you to have this sort of frustrations. you love Abby and you always want the best for her.

6-8 months of developmental differences seem a lot with small
children. The older they become, the smaller will be the gap. There may not be any obvious differences once they are in high schools. Many a time EQ is more important than IQ. With your and Philip's loving nurturing, Abby has a high chance of growing into a well- balanced lady.

The phrase "調校" is very good. We find that this is something we always need to do. With the help of our Heavenly Father changing our mind, this process becomes less painful.

We know a young man who was told by a doctor that his IQ was a bit below average. Ever since then he is obsessive with this information and gives himself up.

The doctor's suggestion of the reason is only a proposition. Don't let his idea be a burden to you if you get pregnant.