Friday, July 25, 2008

距離奧運仲有 13 日

舊生送給孖煙通 sir 的九條孖煙通,無聊的孖 sir 和孖嫂就影了這輯「艷」照...


IMG_0789 這燈是一對組員好友送給我們的禮物,好美,亦有著每一個組員及我們親人的樣子,很珍貴!Love u all!

在一系列的 Farewell 飯局當中不乏一些智慧言語借得一再回味:

Peter & Janita: 不相信神在一個人身上只有「從屬 (陪讀)」的計劃,一定還有其他計劃在我身上應驗,只是現在我未看得見 -- 我會好好的去找尋及向神開放。
Richard & Jeanie: 這幾年是一個過程,要好好珍惜及享受神的作為,relax!
Uncle F & Aunt SK: 好好思想 accountability 和 stewardship!

距離奧運仲有 13 日 -- 亦即是我距離出發仲有 9 日!實在要好好珍惜!我們實在是被很多人愛著的!


Unknown said...

hi, connie
i am donna..
i was wondered y cheng sir was named 孖煙通 sir ....

nice photo.
all the best..
u chengsir and abby are all in my prayers..


SYHY Mama said...


Ho Keung and Yin Ping said...

Very beautiful, entertaining and meaningful photos. The photos of Philip affirm that he is really the minister for the young generation. Our best wish and prayer for a wonderful and well equipped three years in Canada. Have a safe trip!