Thursday, December 06, 2007


Thanks to Donna, Bong and Yuen-ji for this cute M n M outfit! I changed it to a smaller size in the shop and there you are!!


sswat3 said...

Abby戴上帽子後. 很快變成四眼妹了.

再將帽子戴低些時, 神奇地, 她立即變成了幪面女俠!

她應該穿梭中環, 為新蝙蝠俠電影作宣傳一番!

Ho Keung and Yin Ping said...

When Abby smiles, she has a left side dimple. When she laughs, she has both sides dimples.


Agent S'connie said...

wow, kau fu and kau mo, you are so observant... let me look at Abby's face more closely tomorrow morning, while making her smile and then laugh... hahaha