昨天在看一本有關領養的書,叫"The Whole Life Adoption Book"。內裡說到 "barriers of adjustment" 時,提出我們,包括領養父母及被領養者都要誠實面對其痛苦失去,而非藏起來,當以前的事沒有發生過一樣,騙自己這孩子是親生的,或騙自己孩子的生命是從領養那一刻才開始等等。當中有一段說話,很想與大家,特別是有相同經歷的朋友分享 -- 就是這種 Hope,我可以坦然面對自己的傷痛,也可以無保留的將這痛展露人前。在我寫下的期間,我心已受到安慰,更有同路人一起行。最重要仍是有神一起行,他帶給我的,就是那種盼望。
"When we allow ourselves to experience pain, hope begins to enter. It reminds us of the loss, which always hurts. But the reminder of loss helps us clear a path through the pain to a new shore. When we get there, we will be different - so will our world. Hope helps brings us to acceptance. Never ignoring or erasing loss or pain, hope teaches us to respect and honor loss. It brings dignity to pain. It makes us strong, more authentic and more understanding of others whose losses mirror our own."
1 comment:
This is not an easy path but it is good that through God and others who care, you can face your pain and thus the healing starts. What the author says is very true but probably only those who have gone through the experience can fully understand it. That's why "同路人" is such a comfort to those affected.
The Bible regards faith, hope and love to be the most important elements of life. Without them we are merely " walking bodies ".
Through your sharing we can see you weave them into your life.
謹祝福您與 Philip 以信望愛快快樂樂携手行人生路。
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