Saturday, February 24, 2007


今天與舊公司的同事聚會,她們為我送上兩袋 BB 的禮物,都是玩具 -- 早前她們問我需要些什麼,我說其實弟兄姊妹已給了我很多 BB 用品,反而玩具還未有。今晚與老公一起拆禮物,原來當中每一個年歲的玩具都有 (3m+, 6m+, 9m+, 1yr+),顏色中性,並多元化 (有布做的書、發聲的、按鈕的、吹氣的),實在很周到。無論我的孩子是男是女,多大,也可照顧到。感謝她們對我的情。雖然與她們共事四年之久,畢竟也分開工作了四年半,但她們仍對我很好,很感恩!也令我想起很多以前一起抗戰的回憶呢!

今天的聚會,與兩個初生的 BB 見面,看到以前差不多年紀的同事都做了父母,很感慨 -- 並不是感慨他人可以生仔自己不能,卻是為著大家踏入了人生的另一階段而感到不同及特別。可能正確來說應該是感動多一點...


sswat3 said...

Connie and Philip! I have already got some toys for your new child. I have kept them at home for a few years for the purpose of future use, of course not for me, but for my grandchildren. I have not disclosed this because your child has not arrived yet!

You may think that they are old-fashioned, out-dated (like me) toys. You will find out the answer when you get them!

Agent S'connie said...

oh thank you... you made me very curious to know how old-fashioned these toys are... ^_^