Saturday, October 29, 2005

God Asked Me a Question!




記得年初的時候,曾有一段時間埋怨神,為何老公可以這樣清楚確信神會給他一個兒子,而我卻看不到也感受不到衪的應許。現在,我感謝天父(直接間接地)向我展示衪的應許 ─ 至少,我是這樣相信! ^_^



May God bless you all!

Heard from friends about blog long ago. Wanted to be one of you and express how I feel. Building up our family with new additions have been me and my husband' s wish for the past year. We have been married for nearly three years and we have tried making babies for almost a year. Apart from this, I am also a social worker who works for adoption. I help waiting children in Hong Kong to find suitable and committed adoptive families in the States. I was inspired by my colleague one day when I shared with her my struggles in the baby-making process. She asked me to write down all these thoughts. It can be so helpful to myself, my job and also other people!

Wish that we can all grow through all these heart-warming sharing!