Thursday, March 24, 2011

Cooking Abby For Real!

剛過去的 winter term,阿比上了一個小孩烹飪班,好好玩,每次都有製成品帶回家。而且她自此之後很主動說想在廚房幫爸 B 手預備,甚至洗碗!見她如此雀躍主動,我們都很喜歡這個課外活動。我心想,這才是真正的課外活動吧!香港人帶孩子去參加的乜班物班,大都是讀書前的預備班,或者是學校以外的輔助功課/藝能班。港童現象所衍生了在課堂中要加入自理家務的課程,不如真的再思想一下什麼是好的課外活動,什麼是對孩子成長重要而長期被人忽略吧!


阿比-艾莉 爸爸 said...

what kids "learn" in cooking class is beyond skills and techniques of handling food. They also get to appreciate food (thanksgiving) and the time working with other kids (relationship) ^_^

sswat3 said...

Good practical lessons for Abby. I think there are cooking classes provided by Town Gas in Hong Kong.

Unknown said...

couldn't agree skills are so important