- What is unconditional love in Christianity? If God loves us unconditionally, why He loves only christians and those who worship Him -- that's conditional.
God does love all of us unconditionally... christians and non-christians. The difference between christians and non-christians is that christians are willing to establish a close relationship with God, while non-christians do not care about the relationship. Just like a dad loves all his children, but there are children who maintain close relationship with him and some do not want this relationship and would like to stay away from the family. It is the child who choose not to have relationship with the dad, but Dad is always waiting, still has hope that one day this child will return, and if he/she does, the dad will of course welcome the child in open arms. That is the kind of dad that God is... He is always willing to welcome non-christians to be willing to re-establish the relationship with him and stay in the home to enjoy the closeness and all the good things we can share in the family. If those children insist not to go back home, it is impossible for them to enjoy what is good in the family/home. (對不起,太懶不想翻譯這 FB message 了)
- 為何神要創造一些有罪性的人?既然容許人們一直犯罪,卻又要一下子發怒到要毀滅整個世界/整個城市?難道神太無聊想玩下 lego,悶了厭了就破壞它?
- 阿比一直都不大願意午睡,很多時也會有很大的抗議與 struggle。最近我開始 reframe 這段時間,容許她帶兩件玩具或物件進房,她可以選擇玩或睡覺 (通常到最後她也會睡著)。可是,頭幾天容許她拿著紙與筆進房後,就發現牆上及牀單上都是原子筆痕。跟她千叮囑萬叮囑後,有一天下午又再見那些筆痕 -- 今次竟然在那「家傳之巾」和爺爺從多倫多帶來的洋娃娃的面上!!
我沒有長久責備阿比,也沒有永遠懷怒,當然在跟她說以後不能帶筆進房後就原諒了她。其實天父對我們也是如此 -- 我們一次又一次令祂失望,但神卻仍然願意在我們肯回轉時原諒我們;可是這個原諒並不是沒有代價的 -- 相反這代價是相當的大,像我賠上了那洋娃娃 (及差點就要賠上的手帕) 一樣。神自己在十字架承受了那代價,我們才不用去賠。
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