Friday, November 06, 2009

A Photo at the Heaven's Gate

這是我們在一所教會的 Halloween party 中所影的新全家福。我當時在想,假若他日可以在天家一家人再相聚,你說多好呢?神就是借這機會提醒我要好好做這個媽媽的角色,亦努力的為女兒們的生命禱告。

當然我很貪心地希望也會見到爺爺、嫲嫲、婆婆、公公、叔叔、嬸嬸、舅父、太公、太婆... 我會繼續努力禱告...


SYHY Mama said...

呀....點解你好多張全家福都係你抱elly, philip抱abby o既....

Agent S'connie said...


1. Elly is lighter and Abby is 'somewhat' heavier...

2. Usually it is easier for me to handle the baby and Philip to handle the toddler.

Isn't it quite natural to do so? Well, looking forward to your 4-ppl family photo very soon! ^_^