最近在思考何時需要 sleep train 艾莉的問題。自從出世以來,艾莉很喜歡扭人抱,可能是初生缺乏安全感吧!在醫院的時候,差不多每晚都是爸爸整晚抱著入睡。回家後,她仍會用哭聲告訴我們她很想我們抱著。整晚抱著她睡畢竟不是辦法,我會偏向想 train 她自己在床上 (現在還是在我們的大床中間睡) 入睡,要她哭一輪也不計,但爸爸與嫲嫲傾向一哭就抱著她。其實我也明白,一來夜裡艾莉狂哭時好易會吵醒阿比,二來艾莉也畢竟是出生了兩個多星期,連預產期也未到,要多抱一點也無可厚非。昨晚我嘗試用直立抱一陣與 swaddling 的方法去 prepare 艾莉睡覺,竟然也頗奏效。請為我們禱告,希望艾莉早日可以自己安然的睡覺吧!
前幾天艾莉的臍帶脫落了,忽然覺得她與我的親密聯繫好像斷了 -- 但轉念一想,其實早在艾莉出世剪臍帶時已經斷了!現在的聯繫仍在吧 -- 我還不是一直在抱她、餵她與愛她嗎?
原來elly俾爸爸抱慣,令佢以為抱住先叫睡覺!哈哈!你諗下,係香港出世d BB,邊有人抱住瞓,係BB房喊到累就睡啦!咪習慣O左係床睡覺囉!
The midwives here say that you will not spoil a baby within three months old. Recently I read an article about a very experienced new born specialist Dr. Howard Chilton ( who had been the director of pediatrics at the Royal Hospital for Women for 20 years ) saying he desperately wanted parents to enjoy their babies. He even said," If you want to have an independent baby, love-bomb them, feed them, cuddle tem, let them rule your world . For the first six months of their lives at least." Of course there are different kind of theories. I found the midmives here teach parents tightly wrap their babies to make them feel secure and this could work fairly well.
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