Monday, December 15, 2008



一個多月後 (12月15日),我知道自己懷了孕!我與老公得到這個消息,卻出奇地平靜,沒有預期的大喜,可能是因為太不敢相信及還是很不真實。不真實感和不安全感促使我在想十萬個可能性:宮外孕以及 BB 冇心跳等的可能性 (這也是我自己小信的表現);但老公的提醒很重要 -- 姑勿論將來如何,天父確實成就了衪的應許,應允了我的禱告呀!這不已是最好的証明,這已是我們需要感恩的了!真的,神的能力就是如此令我們驚訝。

今天到了醫生診所檢查,她沒有要我再 test,只寫紙叫我在12週內驗血驗小便 (更加沒有真實感 -- 雖然我知她再驗也只是多用一支驗孕棒)。但我在加拿大的 status 有點複雜 -- 我正申請移民卻尚未有消息,我只是一個旅客身份,不可能得到任何 public health benefits (MSP)。如此一來,在這兒生仔 (without MSP) 便好貴好貴。回香港生嗎?又會有另一方面排期溝通上的麻煩,且若我離開加拿大的話,亦會影響我的移民申請。我們還在考慮不同的 options 中。雖然要做很多跟進及決定,但我們仍然知道且相信:天父給了我們這禮物,祂必繼續為我們安排及開路。仍然回歸到我們最初來加拿大時的認定:我們這幾年是要學信靠祂帶領我們的功課。請繼續為我們禱告。


cho said...

!!! congradz.

tell us more about how u feel later on,, will keep u in my prayer. <3

牛太太 said...

恭喜晒. 小心保重身體, 唔好咁操勞, 多d 休息, 繼續為你地祈禱.

Adrian said...

Congratulations Connie & Philip! God did hear your prayers... I'm so happy for you. Please take care and you guys are always in our thoughts!

Geoffrey said...

為到你們感恩, 你們現在的感受我們很是明白, 天父的時間與祂的大能確是實實在在的…我們除了禱告, 也要懂得好好的, 有信心的等待

現在你除了好好的照顧自己的身體外, 其他的只有交給天父, 暫時不用想太遠, 小生命能在腹中一日一日的, 健康的成長就已得足夠, 已得感恩…


Vivien & Geoffrey

Miss Z said...

wow!!! what a precious gift in this X'mas time! congradz!!

keep u in my prayer and take care!=)

Daisy, Mommy of Hayley said...



v said...

That's great!!

Please take good care and don't worry too much! :)

V & Lit

Ho Keung and Yin Ping said...

Congratulations Philip and Connie, this is great news, thankful to our Heavenly Father. He knows best and His timing is the best. He looks at and has plans for your whole lives, in the context of building you up to be blessings for others. We also understand that all your anguish and tears in the past would never be in vain.
We are very happy for you and will tell Kenny, Loretta, Tim and May.

Unknown said...

congrats ar Connie and Philip. God really hears our prayers in His amazing ways. Don't stress on financial issues and focus on being a healthy mom (with natural delivery...which you can ask Cyn how to go on "diet"). Let us know how we can help and we'll do our best to support you, ok? We are really thankful and will pray for you.