Monday, July 14, 2008

Speech Therapy 101

最近 Abby 多了用語言與人溝通,令我們很興奮!她會很努力用自己的方法告訴別人她心想的東西,單字手勢唱歌樣樣齊,很 cute!以下是值得一記的笑位:

:她最初竟說成 "du",完全暈低!經一段時間糾正後,現在她說 "gee"
電話:很久以前開始說 "wai",最近阿比婆婆和我致力教她說,她竟說成 O-mi or O-mer。經過幾日的努力,她現在終於可以說 "din-wa"
Banana: A-na-na (初級版是 Ba-bi)
Tomato: O-ma-mi
蛋糕:她會唱阿比版的 "Happy Birthday to You"!
Ts- 或 Ch- 的字:全部發 "d-" 音,例如叔叔= duk-duk,嬸嬸= dum-dum,坐= dor
Thomas (The Train): O-mi

我會努力做她的 Speech Therapist!


Ho Keung and Yin Ping said...

Alison's pronounciation is more of less the same as Abby:

公公 is "Tung Tung"
婆婆 is "Bor Bor"
舅父 is "Dou Foo"
妗母 is "Dum Mou"

Ho Keung and Yin Ping said...

And forgot to mention, Alison calls herself Ahyee instead of Ally.