Saturday, July 19, 2008


星期四與友人一家又來到愉景灣玩了一個燒焦了的沙灘下午,又經過這個餐廳宣傳牌,當然要捉住 Abby 再影一張相,記錄她這一年兩個月的成長印記!
我們三年後回來一定會為 Abby 多影一張!到時她應該會高過個牌啩...

1 comment:

sswat3 said...

Taller and taller as she grows, Abby will soon beat the height of the advertisement board. Bless that this restaurant is still there when you three come back.

I hope that Abby will grow taller than you and Philip at adulthood!