- 知道我要幫我的工人找戶好人家,很多人都幫我問,亦有幾個 offer。最終有一個基督徒家庭與我一個親戚家作最後決賽對壘。我的工人最終選擇了我的親戚作為新僱主,皆因她可以與自己的妹妹很接近。看見工人喜歡這安排,我們也很放心。
- 到彼邦的生活費如何籌集,我們一直都沒有很確實的方案,卻也沒有太大的擔心,因為相信神叫我們去,祂不會叫我們餓死的。感謝叔仔夫婦已一早義氣地擔起一部份。兩星期前老公在教會裡分享其蒙召經歷後,一位姊妹跟我們說,她經過祈禱之後,決定捐獻一筆可觀的數目給我們,因為她以前受過其他弟兄姊妹的恩惠,她也希望可以 pay it forward,祝福其他人。聽到她如此說,what more can I say? 心裡很感動,只有感謝神的恩典。
- 五月會開始找租客,已有不少弟兄姊妹說會幫手問人。最令我們興奮的是一對我們很熟悉的夫婦可能會想租我們的房子... 看看神怎樣帶領吧!
就是這一些恩典印證,令我們更深信這是上帝屬意我們踏上的道路。要做的還多呢!要好好計劃一下... 還要列出臨走前要見面的人,安排相聚的日子!
Glad to hearing so many good news of your new planning!
Look forward to seeing your new page of life!
With our warmest regards,
Daisy & Dik
你要見面的人很多, 可能幾個月都未見得完! 努力, 努力!
Of course you are on my guest list!
We are very happy for you to see that things are working out so nicely. With all your past experiences We can see how God prepare your heart as you put your trust in Him. His plan, guidance and provisions are unique and great. May you have very happy and memorable days in Canada.
You are going to be busy busy seeing families, relatives and friends! Please enjoy. Anyway we expect your parents to visit you guys in Canada. Your father will have new travelling stories to tell in his blog.
Is it possible to have a transcript of Philip's testimony of his calling?
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