正當二月十四家人團拜時,我們在說,假若我爺爺還認得人 (這幾年他已不大認得家人) 而知道有多兩個曾孫的話,他應該很快慰。翌日醫院傳來消息爺爺因為年老,心臟衰竭去世了。雖然事出突然,大家卻都有心理準備。爺爺三年多前曾決志,並在老人院接受牧師的灑水禮。正當我在想如何向爸爸提出為爺爺搞一個基督教的喪禮時,爸爸竟說與伯伯傾過,想用基督教儀式,因為爺爺信了教及以往他所接觸的基督教喪禮很簡單。我實在感謝天父,他對我、對爺爺、及對我所有家人都很愛護。他知道我的軟弱,也一早為所有事張羅。我唯一可以做的,是盡力搞好這喪禮,令神得榮耀。張羅了不同的弟兄姊妹幫忙,安息禮拜及其他儀式總算順利。一直都有點戰戰兢兢,一來未試過搞安息禮拜,二來最重要的是不知道未信主的家人會如何看及有何感想,所以一直都與老公禱告著請求天父給我智慧。
喪禮過後才有機會深思。從小到廿多歲,一直都是與爺爺一起住,認識雖不算深 (畢竟大家的 power-distance 實在太大了),但也有不少共同回憶。翻看舊相簿,看到爺爺抱著只有幾個月的我,也很窩心。之前因為要為爺爺寫生平,重新再看他當年寫的回憶集,看到的,是一個正直重情義愛家人的男子漢。以前給我們的印象是一個好喜歡話事,要兒孫聽他話,不太理會我們怎樣看的爺爺,現在再重新回看他的一生,我開始明白,爺爺不過是努力做好當丈夫、當爸爸、當爺爺的本份,保護家庭及帶領我們,只不過中國典型的爸爸愛家的方式未必切合現今社會吧!
傳道人的慰勉中,提醒了我,我他日可以與爺爺在天家再聚。爺爺信了主真好,因為有這應許、這盼望。未知道我們還可以在天家重遇多少個家人呢?其實,要接受主一點也不是難事... 我愛他們每一個... 我會等待、禱告...
May God's comfort and the hope of eternal life in Jesus Christ be with you and your families.
Please be careful reading Kazilar's comment above. I have clicked "here" but got the antivirus running saying that my computer has been infected. What is going on with Kazilar's comment? Why is it just a"See here or here" there instead of the comment !!!?
Further to the above alert about Kazilar's comment threat I want to tell you more. Immediately after I clicked "here" on his/her comment it brought me to a window saying that my system has just been infected by virus, and it started to scan the system(however, I think that this scanning was just a illusion of the virus). It then told me to download the antivirus stuff, bla bla bla.... I immediately closed that window! I ran my AVG antivirus software. The result showed that there were 6 virus : The very common "TROJAN HORSE DROPPER.DELF.AMJ", AND THE "TROJAN HORSE GENERIC10.CRH".
Dangerous blogging.
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