Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Birthday Dad & Hus

今天正是阿比爸爸的生辰 -- 為了隆重其事,我為他做了這個 "timeless" 的禮物呢!2007 年可算是對他很重要很特別的一年,因為他做了阿比爸爸!^_^

1 comment:

sswat3 said...

It is a precious birthday gift to Philip!

The design of this big photo is excellent because the photos that run along the edges are sweet snapshots of memories in the past few months.

If I were your Art teacher, I would give you 99 marks out of 100. One mark is deducted for the selection of the Central photo because Philip looked very tired. He ought to take some more sleep before the photo was taken.

You can start a business of designing this or some other creative photo composition for customers provided that they give you a number of photos beforehand.

Your masterpiece here can be a good example! The shopkeeper of the photo shop may think that it is a new business to him and you can earn money too in designing. Think about it!