Monday, April 30, 2007



- 學懂 「俾」這概念,重點在俾完後,大家要拍手的動作
- 學懂「擺」入去及「攞」出來的概念 (我用奶粉鑵教她及做上百次的示範)
- 爬得越來越快及自如
- 可以拖著她一隻手行幾步 (當然是哭著的)
- 可以捉住我的衭管行幾步 (同上)
- 可以扶著梳化行幾步去拿電話或 remote control
- 把物件藏在其中一隻手中叫她估,看得出她會認真選擇
- 認得相中的人是婆婆,公公與舅父 (會望著與相片相同的人的臉)
- 今天晚上她放開手,企立超過五秒呢!

1 comment:

Ho Keung & YinPing said...

Dear Connie it's a pretty good news to see Abby's achievement, not bad at all! You too, very good observation... well, of course, as a mum. I have just translated your passage into Chinese and sent to Loretta, Kenny, Tim and May for them to share the happiness..... Kau Foo Sydney......