Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Merry Christmas Letter to All

自幾年前,我們有一個自製聖誕卡及聖誕文告的習慣,發覺這是一個與多年沒有聯絡的友人keep in touch的好方法:

Dear friends and family,

Wish you a very happy Christmas with your family and friends!

We are expecting a baby soon! Not through birth, but through adoption! Becoming a parent has always been the wish of Philip and I, and we have been struggling through the possibility of infertility in the past year. We intend to be parents when we are still young, while we do not really mind if our child is biological or not. With much prayers and confirmation from God, we have decided to adopt a child locally. We have started the process in Oct/Nov and the earliest possible time of the child in arriving at our home would be Feb/Mar 2007. Right now, we are preparing our home and most importantly, our hearts in welcoming the new family member into our home! Please pray with us in the time being!

Ever since we broke the news to our family and friends in mid-2006, we have received a lot of support and encouragement from them. For some of them, they might need more time to experience the joys of adoption. However, we have already witnessed changes from God in their hearts already! Philip and I do understand adoption adds another dimension to parenting which needs continued support from others, and we are blessed to be encircled by the loving staff and resources of Mother's Choice and other adoptive families. Most important of all, we believe that we will be led and protected by the Lord our God. We truly appreciate your prayers.

Warmly, Connie and Philip


Tam Michelle said...


Kenny said...

Hurray for English! =) Haha this blog might motivate me to brush up my Chinese!

Kenny said...

Woops, forgot to leave my name... it's Loretta of Newtown!

Anonymous said...

Congratulation! Parents, no matter their children are biological or by adoption , are keepers, not owners. The privilege to love them, disipline them, bring them up and teach them to love God is a big blessing by itself.This is the most practical way to practise love which is greater than everything.In this context it makes no difference whether the children are by blood or by adoption.
At the end of the day all children grow up and leave home and you two are by yourselves again (of course only literally ,with children things will never be the same). So do not stop looking after each other.The best gift a father can give to their children is to love their mother.
Enjoy parenting!(including the big hole in the pay pocket, the sleep deprivation etc. etc.)

Love from
Ho Keung & Yin Ping